
The GRP of the East Kazakhstan region in 2019 amounted to 1,637.7 billion tenge (the share of the GRP of the region in the GRP of the Republic of Kazakhstan was% 5.9). Among the regions of Kazakhstan in terms of GRP per capita, East Kazakhstan region is in 9th place.

The main branches of the economy



The dominant industry is non-ferrous metallurgy. East Kazakhstan is one of the main producers of lead, zinc, copper in concentrates, refined gold and silver in the republic, and the only one - titanium, magnesium, tantalum, fuel for nuclear power plants

The basis of the mining industry is the extraction of polymetallic ore containing copper, lead, zinc, gold, silver

In the region, 283 mineral deposits have been explored. Available to investors 233

The region produces oilfield, mining and metallurgical equipment, cars and trucks, buses, wheeled tractors, condensers and other electrical products, pumps of various modifications, cable products

The production of building materials has been developed - cement, ceramic, silicate and slag bricks, asbestos-cement products, slate, ready-mixed concrete, prefabricated concrete structures, ceramic products, stone products




Produces 20% of the total oilseeds in Kazakhstan

Sown area over 10 years increased by 23.5%

The diversified nature of animal husbandry: dairy and beef cattle breeding, fine-fleece and coarse-wool sheep breeding, pig breeding, horse breeding, poultry farming, deer breeding and reindeer husbandry, beekeeping, camel breeding

The leading positions in the republic in the production of milk, oilseeds of sunflower, honey and antlers (1 place), in the production of meat and potatoes - 3 place.




Zones for the development of beach, hunting, rural, skiing, ecological, sacred types of tourism

Opportunity for the development of medical tourism - 18 panthebic clinics operate

For the development of sacred tourism, 23 routes have been developed along the sacred places of the region

There are more than 600 historical and archeological monuments in the region


Growth rates of economic sectors



(January-September 2022 to January-September 2021, %)




(January-September 2022 to January-September 2021, %)






(January-September 2022 to January-September 2021, %)




(January-September 2022 to January-September 2021, %)




In the territory of the East Kazakhstan region, a large number of explored deposits are known as minerals with reserves that meet the region's needs for mineral resources: non-ferrous metals (Ridder-Sokolnoye, Tishinskoe, Maleevskoye, Nikolaevskoye, Artemyevskoye, Oryolovskoye, etc.), gold (Bakyrchikskoye , Suzdal, Misek, placers of the Kurchum River and others), rare metals (Bakenoe, Belaya Gora, Yubileynoe, Akhmetkino), coal and oil shale (Karazhira, Kendyrlykskoe, Bobrovsko-Belokamenskoe), non-metallic materials (refractory cheese e, expanded clay and bentonite clay, limestone, and cement loam brick, glass raw materials and building materials), and ground mineral and drinking water (Oskemen, Leninogorsk, Bogatyrevskoe, Kuludzhunskoe).

Currently, for most of the mineral deposits, domestic and foreign investors have been issued licenses and contracts for geological exploration and production. Ridder-Sokolnoye, Tishinskoye, Maleevskoye and Shubinskoye deposits are operated by mining enterprises of Kazzinc LLP. Deposits Orlovskoye, Irtyshskoye, Artemyevskoye, Aktogayskoye are owned by KAZ Minerals Group enterprises.

In January-September 2019, compared with the same period in 2018, the industrial production index amounted to 110.6%. Production growth was observed in 12 regions of the region.


In the reporting period, as compared to the same period of 2018, the industrial production index in the mining industry and quarrying in the reporting period amounted to 119.4%. Metal ore production increased by 22.4%.


In the manufacturing industry, the industrial production index in the reporting period compared to the same period in 2018 amounted to 106.7%. The growth was noted in the machine-building industry by 28.5%, in the production of rubber and plastic products by 18.1%, in food production - by 9.7%, in the metallurgical industry - by 4.8%.


In power supply, gas, steam and air conditioning, the industrial production index was 101.2%. An increase was noted in the production and distribution of gaseous fuels by 2.1 times.


In the water supply, sewerage system, control over the collection and distribution of waste, the industrial production index in the reporting period compared to the same period in 2018 amounted to 92% due to a decrease in the volume of collection, treatment and distribution of water by 1.3%, and the sewage system by 6, 5%; collection, treatment and disposal of waste by 20.4%.

The structure of industrial production of the East Kazakhstan region by type of economic activity in January-September 2021

Kind of activity

Volume of industrial production (goods, services), thousand tenge

Share of activities in the regional volume of industrial production, in%

Mining and quarrying

350 624 866

Coal and Lignite Mining 20 556 635
Metal ore mining 297 698 179

Manufacturing industry

1 113 999 613

Food production 98 679 857
Beverage production 379 605

Light industry

3 354 256

Production of paper and paper products

5 711 546

Chemical industry products

22 360 565

Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

9 936 512

Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

41 614 080

Metallurgical industry

750 718 666

Ferrous metallurgy 741 180
Production of basic precious and non-ferrous metals 748 327 254

Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment

12 564 348

Mechanical engineering

144 894 348

Furniture manufacture

1 580 325

Manufacture of other finished products

16 758 893

Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning

66 113 998

Water supply; sewer system, control over the collection and distribution of waste

10 393 214

Industry - total

1 541 131 691



The gross output of products (services) of agriculture, forestry and fisheries in January-September 2019 in the whole region amounted to 374.9 billion tenge, of which agricultural products - 372.7 billion tenge. The index of physical volume of agricultural production amounted to 102.7%.

Gross output of products (services) of agriculture, forestry and fisheries in the East Kazakhstan region in January-September 2021 (million tenge)

Agriculture, forestry and fisheries

out of him:


out of him:

plant growing

animal husbandry

374 902,4

372 727,0

140 231,4 (37,62%)

232 192,8 (62,38%)

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