SEZ and IZ

Special Economic Zone “Khorgos – Eastern Gate” is the part of territory of Republic of Kazakhstan with defined boundaries, which is the subject to special legal regime of special economic zone for implementation of priority activities (Law of RoK “On special economic zones of the Republic of Kazakhstan” № 469-IV dated July 21, 2011.

SEZ "Khorgos - Eastern Gate" is considered as a strategic facility to create a logistics hub connecting China, Central Asia and Middle East.
The total area of SEZ is 4 591.5 hectares that includes three main areas: logistics and industrial zones, as well as transport and logistics complex "Dry port".

Priority Activities

Law on SEZ provides for the priority and auxiliary activities in the territory of SEZ.
Priority activity types are the activities that correspond to the objectives of the creation of the special economic zone for which the special legal regime of the special economic zone is to be extended.

Auxiliary activities are the activities that are necessary to ensure the activity of the SEZ members, carried out by persons who are not members of the SEZ on its territory.

Decree of the President defines nine priority activities of SEZ «Khorgos – Eastern Gate»:

  • Warehousing and transportation activity;
  • Food production;
  • Leather and related products manufacturing;
  • Textiles production;
  • Other non-metallic mineral production;
  • Chemicals and chemical production;
  • Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment;
  • Manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified;
  • Construction of buildings for exhibitions, museums, warehouses and office buildings.

The SEZ Benefits:

  • Tax exemptions: No land tax, No property tax, No Corporate Income tax, No VAT
  • Duty: No duty for products entering the SEZ
  • Customs privileges for goods produced in SEZ and bound to the Customs Union
  • Land: Free land lease
  • SEZ is subject to Free Customs Zone regime.

    How to become a participant?

    1. Who can become a participant?
    2. Legal entity (including foreign), registered as a taxpayer in the SEZ and plans to undertake in the territory of SEZ priority activities.
    3. Requirements to potential participants of SEZ "Khorgos - Eastern Gate":
    4. Only legal entity (resident and non-resident) can become participant;
    5. Participant must have financial security in the amount corresponding to the feasibility study;
    6. Participant must have money or other liquid assets not withdrawn from the cash flow, in the amount not less than the cost of the feasibility study;
    7. Participant can only carry out activities corresponding to the priorities of the SEZ and only in the territory of the SEZ;
    8. Participant is prohibited from having separate structural units outside the SEZ.

    Republic of Kazakhstan,Almaty region, Panfilov district,

    Special Economic zone «Khorgos – Eastern Gate»

    Теl. + 727 319 81 01 (int. 145)


    13 al – Farabi, block 1 «V», 304

    Теl. +7 727 311 11 53


    12/1 Kunayev st, internal input 80, 101

    Теl. +7 717 247 56 96
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