Plant growing

Plant growing

Market overview of animal husbandry in Kazakhstan
The volume of production

Among the most promising directions is also the production of vegetable oil. The key factors of attraction are:

Access to raw materials in Kazakhstan, with a gross yield of oilseeds in 2019 amounting to 2.6 million tons.

The area sown to oilseeds in 2019 reached about 3 million hectares. Additionally, there is a planned increase in land under cultivation of oilseeds to 5 million hectares by 2030.

Vegetable oil production
Key factors of attractiveness:

Developed a raw materials base with high growth potential.

Access to raw materials in the Republic of Kazakhstan
1 073,8 thousand tons Sunflower 471,9 thousand tons Flax seeds 162,9 thousand tons Rapeseed 107,0 thousand tons Safflower seeds 64,3 thousand tons Soya beans

Chart 1. 2.2 million tons of gross harvest of oilseeds in 2023 (

Rape 3% 100,5 ha Sunflower 42% 909,1 ha Flax 33% 1 157,4 ha Safflower 18% 97,9 ha Soy 4% 485,8 ha

Chart 2. The area sown to oilseeds in Total, 2023 - 2,8 million hectares

The plan is to increase the land under cultivation of oilseeds to 4.95 million hectares by 2030.

The "Northern Soybeans" program aims to increase the acreage of soybeans to 1.5 million hectares within 5 years and to increase the gross harvest of soybean seeds to more than 3 million tons.

Major importers of vegetable oil include
World market of vegetable oil






Import volume of sunflower, safflower and cottonseed oil in 2022

242,110 thousand tons

$449,4 million

302,376 thousand tons

$397,4 million

135,691 thousand tons

$330,3 million

The import volume of rapeseed-mustard oil and its fractions in 2022

120,260 thousand tons

$201,9 million

29,894 thousand tons

$60,3 million

The volume of imports of linseed oil and fractions in 2022

1,395 thousand tons

$2,8 million

5,790 thousand tons

$26,4 million


Today, Kazakhstan exports over 1 million tons of oilseeds, with major importers including Uzbekistan, China, and Belgium.

Current exports to the world markets
Oil seeds, 2023: product (the main importers), thousand tons
Sunflower (China)

237,4($119.5 million)

dis (Russia, Latvia)

69,3($32 million)

Flax (Belgium)

495,3($227,5 million)

Soy (Uzbekistan)


The export of processed products exceeded 300 thousand tons, including vegetable oil, sunflower, rapeseed, soybean, and linseed. It should be noted that China is one of the main importers in all of these positions. Additionally, an important export product of processed oil is meal, which is exported to neighboring markets such as Russia and Uzbekistan.

Processing, 2018: product (the main importers), thousand tons
Sunflower and safflower (China)


Canola (China)


Soy (China)


Flax (China)


Sunflower (Russia)


Rapeseed meal (China)


Soybean meal (Uzbekistan)


Linseed cake (Russia)


Vegetable oil production
Construction of a plant for processing soy crops in the North Kazakhstan region, totaling $32 million
Organization and development of vegetable oil production in Almaty region, amounting to $12 million (brownfield)
Production of linseed oil in the NKR, totaling $20 million
Production of sunflower oil in Kostanay region, totaling $114 million
Construction of an oil extraction plant in East Kazakhstan region, totaling $50 million
The expansion of greenhouses to 40 hectares in the Almaty region, totaling $118 million
Potential state support measures for plant projects
Exemption from customs duties on the import of equipment.
When you create new industries, relevant to the approved list of activities, with an investment of 2 million MCI, exemption from CIT, land tax for a period of 10 years, property tax for 8 years.
Investment subsidy of the Ministry of Agriculture for reimbursement of investment up to 25%.
Subsidies for the cultivation of priority crops (fertilizer, chemicals, seeds, etc.).
The possibility of attracting local and international funding with an interest rate in national currency.
The possibility of attracting public and private investment funds KIDF, Samruk Kazyna invest, Kazyna Capital Management.
Building engineering infrastructure to the project site.
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